
What is the ByAllAccounts integration?

Elements’ integration with Morningstar ByAllAccounts enables advisor users of Elements to connect and import client accounts from various custodians, financial institutions, and portfolio management software (i.e. “account aggregation”). This replaces the need for clients to connect managed accounts themselves using Plaid.

What is AccountView?

AccountView is the name of ByAllAccount’s own web app. We refer to AccountView and ByAllAccounts interchangeably throughout this document.

When should I use Elements versus ByAllAccounts’ AccountView?

While Elements has integrated key capabilities into its software, there will be times where you’ll have to go to AccountView directly. Below are the main differences in when you’ll use each product:

Use Elements to…

Use AccountView to…

Quick Start

Follow these steps to get started quickly with the ByAllAccounts integration:

  1. Creating a ByAllAccounts account
  2. Opening ByAllAccounts directly
  3. Adding New Accounts with New Credentials
  4. Assigning Accounts in Elements

Enabling the ByAllAccounts Integration

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> If you already have a ByAllAccounts account in connection with another software product, that will not work here. You’ll have to create a separate account to use with Elements.


<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> *The ByAllAccounts integration is only supported for advisor users, not support users (like associate advisors, planners, assistants, etc.). If you do not manage client investment accounts, please do not setup this integration in Elements.

ByAllAccounts does have an Assistant user role that can be used within AccountView. See below for more info.*


Creating a ByAllAccounts account

Opening ByAllAccounts directly

Using AccountView

AccountView is the name of ByAllAccount’s own web app. We refer to AccountView and ByAllAccounts interchangeably throughout this document.

Connecting New Accounts